SEC 8-K News

2024-12-13 13:22:53

Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. held its Annual Meeting on December 10, 2024. The shareholders voted on three proposals. Seven director nominees were elected to serve a one-year term. The Stock Option Plan was ratified and reapproved. The appointment of DeCoria, Maichel & Teague P.S. as independent auditors was also ratified and reapproved. The named candidates received varying levels of support, with votes for ranging from 88.85% to 94.10%. Shareholders participated with over 39 million shares represented at the meeting. No other business was conducted. The report was signed by President and CEO Eric T. Jones.

Named persons and entities: - Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. - Eric T. Jones - E. James Collord - Paul Beckman - Ralph Noyes - Douglas J. Glaspey - James A. Sabala - Larry D. Kornze - DeCoria, Maichel & Teague P.S. - Computershare Investor Services