SEC 8-K News

2024-09-20 11:02:17

Friedman Industries, Incorporated held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders on September 18, 2024. At this meeting, seven board of directors members were elected, each receiving a varied number of votes for and withheld. Additionally, the shareholders voted on three other proposals:

  1. A non-binding, advisory resolution on executive compensation, which was approved,
  2. Ratification of Moss Adams LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the next fiscal year, which was approved, and
  3. An amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to allow shareholders to amend the Bylaws, which was not approved as it did not achieve a two-thirds majority.

Alex LaRue is noted as the Chief Financial Officer - Secretary and Treasurer, the signatory on behalf of the company.

Company Name: Friedman Industries, Incorporated Non-Binding, Advisory Resolution: Approved Ratification of Public Accounting Firm (Moss Adams LLP): Approved Amendment to Articles of Incorporation: Not approved