SEC 8-K News

2024-08-20 16:49:09

VanEck Merk Gold Trust has announced a change in its name to VanEck Merk Gold ETF, effective August 30, 2024. The name change was formalized through an amendment to the Depositary Trust Agreement between the sponsor Merk Investments LLC and the trustee The Bank of New York Mellon. This amendment, referred to as the Third Amendment To Depositary Trust Agreement, does not affect any other terms within the agreement. The shares offered by the Trust will continue to be known as "VanEck Merk Gold Shares." Axel Merk, as the President and Chief Investment Officer of Merk Investments LLC, signed the amendment.

Names mentioned: - VanEck Merk Gold Trust - VanEck Merk Gold ETF - Merk Investments LLC - The Bank of New York Mellon - Axel Merk